Good Morning All!!
We are seeing an increase in Spam and Phishing emails – we need all users to report them within Outlook so that our system learns to block them. Below are the steps for reporting an email. This information will also be in the knowledge base articles in Happy Fox.
What is a Phishing email?
An email that contains links that they want you to click on, and often will ask you for your Microsoft login information – These links will look legit, they will have the Microsoft logo, and will ask you for your email and your password. DO NOT EVER ENTER YOUR INFORMATION! That is the equivalent of giving an outside source the keys to our security gates.
How do I know if I’ve received a Phishing email?
There are several ways to help identify a Phishing email, and they may use one or all of the sneaky tricks below
1)The sender’s email address does not match the signature line in the bottom of the email
2)There is no email address in the “To” section of the email
3)The links will lead you somewhere nefarious – IT can check these links for you if you are not sure – please put in a ticket and attach the email to the ticket
When you receive an email that you believe is spam or phishing, Please click on the “Report Message” icon on the top right of your email. In the drop down, you will make the selection of Junk (this is for spam emails) or Phishing (this is for emails that are trying to get you to enter information or follow links)